I took this shot of my youngest, Tate, a couple of weeks ago on a Thursday. Thursdays are my day off and Tate was playing with his costume from Halloween. Tate loves the Marvel characters and with on demand shows that come with Verizon he has his fare share of wolverines, iron man, spider man and superhero squad shows at his beckoning call. That day he was wolverine and no one was going to tell him otherwise!
I can remember when I was young not needing many toys or definitely not needing video games to have fun. Many times I would rather play and use my imagination. I didn't need a toy gun for example because the stick I found yesterday sufficed just as well. I didn't need a real horse to be a cowboy I pretended I had one. in that since I find the same applies to all three of my boys today. While they have more toys than they can even remember and DVDs galore, they still always end up playing and using their imaginations. I think it is innate in every child to be able to imagine whatever their little heart desires.
Somewhere along the way we lose that. Maybe as we grow up and responsibilities become larger and more often our sense of imagination and the ability to dream gets clouded with reality and a sense that dreaming is fun but non productive. But is that what God has for us? I am reminded of the Jews as God lead them out of Egypt and to the promise land. Upon arriving they sent spies into the land to see the land THE LORD HAD GIVEN THEM. Only to have them return and tell the people of God that they were to small to take that land from the occupants. Because of their disobedience God led that entire generation, anyone over the age of 20 to wonder the desert and die there. Only those younger than 20 along with the two spies who dared to dream and imagine that if God had given them the land, that He would provide the means to take it, were allowed to go in.
Maybe we need to become more childlike again. After all "for such is the kingdom of heaven."
He just needs a 5 o'clock shadow. :)