Monday, December 7, 2009

Trust and Desires

We decided to go down to the city square in McKinney the other day. Right now they are doing what they call "Dickens of a Christmas" which is where they have games and booths set up all over the square and it is decorated with all the Christmas decor and everyone is dressed up just as if you were in the story of Scrooge. The boys saw real reindeer which of course they believed were Santa's and tried to figure out which ones of the nine they were. They rode the train around the square. We Ate lunch in "The Pantry" a restaurant that is in what used to be an genuine old west general store. Then of course they got their faces painted. Max as a Christmas cat and Josh and Tate as the ghost of Christmas future...or so we were told by the artists :) And once all the fun had been had it came down to the serious stuff and what Joshua had been waiting for with eager anticipation. Earlier Joshua had found an advertisement in the paper regarding Thanksgiving sales. In this paper was an add for a red robot ( a little reminiscent of the red raider BB gun from the Christmas story) Joshua had held and looked at that paper all weekend and finally the time had come! Santa was around the corner and what would you know? There was no line so up Joshua walked and pulled out his add before Santa could even ask what he wanted Joshua was pointing out the red robot. I have to admit this guy was the best Santa I had ever seen. He didn't just appease Joshua and send him on his way rather he spent the time to talk to him. He asked if Joshua had seen his reindeer because they had wondered off, he explained that Rudolf was always ornery and caused they others to do mischief. HE looked that add over and had Joshua tell him what he liked about it. HE told Him he wanted lots of cookies and milk. Explained how he came through the chimney with magic. Through it all Joshua ever so serious never cracked a smile. After all he was here on business and he was here for that robot. In Proverbs it tells us that if we trust in the Lord He will give us the desires of our heart. Now, by trust in the Lord it is meant that our desires are granted to us when we have submitted to Christ as Lord and thus His desires become our desires. Our desires are never to be Lorded by self rather by the one who is Lord of all.All to often we miss out on the blessings God desires to bestow on us because we are so focused on what we want rather than what God wants. If we will spend this Christmas being less self serving and spend more time focusing on what God wants for and from us, then he will give us His desires as our desires. And those are the best gifts of all!

Friday, December 4, 2009

When we were young

I took this shot of my youngest, Tate, a couple of weeks ago on a Thursday. Thursdays are my day off and Tate was playing with his costume from Halloween. Tate loves the Marvel characters and with on demand shows that come with Verizon he has his fare share of wolverines, iron man, spider man and superhero squad shows at his beckoning call. That day he was wolverine and no one was going to tell him otherwise!
I can remember when I was young not needing many toys or definitely not needing video games to have fun. Many times I would rather play and use my imagination. I didn't need a toy gun for example because the stick I found yesterday sufficed just as well. I didn't need a real horse to be a cowboy I pretended I had one. in that since I find the same applies to all three of my boys today. While they have more toys than they can even remember and DVDs galore, they still always end up playing and using their imaginations. I think it is innate in every child to be able to imagine whatever their little heart desires.
Somewhere along the way we lose that. Maybe as we grow up and responsibilities become larger and more often our sense of imagination and the ability to dream gets clouded with reality and a sense that dreaming is fun but non productive. But is that what God has for us? I am reminded of the Jews as God lead them out of Egypt and to the promise land. Upon arriving they sent spies into the land to see the land THE LORD HAD GIVEN THEM. Only to have them return and tell the people of God that they were to small to take that land from the occupants. Because of their disobedience God led that entire generation, anyone over the age of 20 to wonder the desert and die there. Only those younger than 20 along with the two spies who dared to dream and imagine that if God had given them the land, that He would provide the means to take it, were allowed to go in.
Maybe we need to become more childlike again. After all "for such is the kingdom of heaven."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Red or Blue Christmas? Women in Ministry?

Ever since I have grown up and been out of my parents house I have had red and gold Christmas trees. I don’t know why but that has always been my thing. This year however Kim said she wanted to switch to blue and white and silver. What? After nine years of marriage we are going to change. Inconceivable! Yet we did and I love it!
Growing up as a Southern Baptist the topic of women as pastors was one that I became very opinionated on and never really questioned. Recently while going through my masters it was a subject that I had to address yet again. About a year and a half ago now while taking an exegesis class we had to do a paper per week. About half way through the class one of the topics that came up was women in ministry amongst others and naturally I jumped on the topic. I had decided to attend a Wesleyan-Armenian based school because I new what I believed for the most part and really wanted to be challenged to defend my beliefs rather than attend a seminary to learn what I believe and here was a great opportunity to do just that. I have to admit that for most of my other classes, while being some what of a head ache for my profs, attending such a school had just confirmed what I already believed. So I was ready to bat on this particular issue. What I discovered however was that when one does proper exegesis of the word one can not really justify a belief that opposes women being in ministry or as pastors. WHAT? On this one God radically changed my perspective and understanding of Who He is and what His word says. Interestingly enough here a year and a half later our churched was appointed a female associate pastor and God in His wisdom was preparing me for that. So while my exegesis paper for that week was about 15 pages long I will try and summarize as best as follows and take from a sermon my pastor preached to our congregation the week before Keva came to address the topic.
And here is the dilemma: Bible-believing Christians differ in their understanding. Some Christians believe that women should not be ordained to any kind of ministry. Indeed, the largest Protestant denomination in America, the Southern Baptist Church, officially opposes women pastors (though not necessarily other kinds of ministry by women). Some claim that the historic view of the Church forbids women’s ordination, which is certainly true for much of church history. Two things: first, the church’s “historic” view isn’t always right; remember, prior to Luther, the Church was sorely out of step with Scripture on an even more fundamental teaching: justification by faith. Likewise, much of church history adopted pagan anti-Semitism. In addition, second, the Waldensiens, a pre-Luther group that advocated justification by faith and returning to Scripture, did ordain women. Now, the reason given for rejecting women’s ministry was that supposedly women are ontologically inferior to men (that is, the very nature of a female is inferior to the male). Some Medieval theologians even questioned whether women had souls. Incidentally, many of those same folks taught similar things about blacks, Asians and others.
But again, the only thing we ought to base our understanding on is not history, but Scripture. But honestly, part of the problem is that different texts in the Bible seem to point in different directions, especially in the writings of Paul. Thus, we need to go through each of these very, very carefully. Bible-believing Christians on either side of the issue often read only certain texts while ignoring others. We must ask, however, where does all the Biblical evidence point?
For women’s ministry:

• Women prophets
• Miriam
• Huldah
• Deborah
• Isaiah’s wife
• Anna
• Philip’s daughters
• Acts 2;
• 1 Corinthians 11
• A woman judge (Deborah)
• A woman apostle (Junia)
• Women as Paul’s fellow-workers and “ministers”
Against women’s ministry:
• 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: women keep silent
• 1 Timothy 2:11-12: women keep silent
If the issue is decided simply by percentage of texts, it is those who oppose women’s ministry who deny the Bible. How do we account for the different views within Paul’s own writings?
There are essentially four possible ways to relate the two sides:
(1) Paul and the Bible contradict themselves (e.g., Paul was in a bad mood sometimes or grew inflexible with age) – not a good option for Bible-believing Christians.
(2) Paul was against women’s ministry in general, but allowed exceptions (in which case exceptions should be allowed today as well).
(3) Paul was for women’s ministry in general, but limited it for exceptional situations (cultural setting).
(4) Paul allowed some kinds of ministry, but forbade others.
Now, I want to take these final three options in reverse order, dismissing the first as untenable for a Bible-believing Christians.
First up, does Paul allow women to perform some types of ministry, but deny them others? Most advocates of this approach allow women to: preach and teach, counsel, do everything except be senior pastor. This is the easiest one to deal with because 1 Timothy 2 doesn’t say she can’t be senior pastor; it says she has to be quiet in church and not teach. Besides: she can be an apostle or prophet, but not pastor?!! The Bible has many prophetesses, some very prominent. Miriam was a prophetess, who led Israel in worship (Ex 15), all Israel waited for her, and mourned when she died. Huldah was the most prominent prophetic figure in Josiah’s reign. Josiah went to her for advice rather than to Jeremiah, her contemporary. Deborah, was a judge who exercised both prophetic and leadership roles, just like Samuel did later. Deborah communicated God’s Word with authority. Many other female prophets are found in Luke and Acts: Anna (Luke 2). Philip’s 4 daughters (Acts 21). Your sons and daughters will prophesy (Acts 2, quoting Joel). And many others.
Romans 16:7 says, “Greet Andronicus and Junia, my relatives who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.” Junia is a woman’s name. In an act of blind prejudice, some translations actually insert “Junias” here, which would be a masculine form of the name Junia. The problem is that there is no such name. It would be like trying to make a masculine name out of Dorothy because you couldn’t stand a girl making the trip to Oz. The only way to understand this text in the original Greek is to see Junia as an “apostle” alongside Andronicus. Some commentators try to reduce the meaning of the term apostle, but the only reason for changing its meaning here is the assumption that a woman cannot be an apostle – assuming what one is trying to prove!
Can women be apostles and prophets, but not pastor-teachers? In his lists of offices in the church, Paul places prophets and apostles higher than pastor-teachers: “And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing” (1 Corinthians 12:28). The evidence is overwhelming. Paul did not allow women to do every other ministry except pastor the church. So we have to look for another understanding of women in ministry.
That brings us back to the other two options we listed before: Paul was against women ministers generally, but allowed exceptions – in which case we should also allow exceptions. Or Paul was for women ministers generally, but limited it for cultural reasons. Either way, women in ministry is okay. But I want to show you why I believe that it is all about cultural limitations rather than any sort of bias against women in ministry.
The two most common terms Paul uses for his fellow ministers are:
(1) Diakonos, servant, or “deacon.” Paul uses the term for his own ministry and that of his colleagues (usually his traveling compan¬ions, naturally male). But he applies the term deacon to Phoebe in Romans 16:1 because she bears the letter and Paul commends her. (2) “Fellow worker”: Paul applies this to Prisca and Aquila in Romans 16:3-4; he commends their ministry; they were house-church leaders. (Acts 18 says they team-taught Apollos: seminary profes¬sors with a young minister). Romans 16 greets twice as many men as women, but commends twice as many women as men. 16:1: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church…” 16:3: “Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers…” 16:6: “Mary, who worked very hard for you” (usually a ministry phrase in Paul), 16:7: Junia the apostle, 16:12: “Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord... my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord.”
Likewise in Philippians 4:2-3 we notice Paul referring to women as fellow-workers: “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche ... these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.” Notice that we find women involved in such ministries especially in Rome and Philippi. Why there? Because these two cities were the most gender-progressive locations in the Empire. Is it possible that women were more apt to pursue ministry where it was more open for them? Is it possible that more women would pursue ministry where their ministries would be more affirmed? We have more work to do for the kingdom and we need as many laborers for the harvest as we can get?
But what do we do with the two texts that seem to prohibit women’s ministries? 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.” And 1 Timothy 2:11-12: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”
Keep in mind that almost no one today actually practices them fully. Even those most adamantly opposed to women’s ministry usually allow them to sing, in the choir and/or in their seat. But Paul requires silence. One cannot simply quote these two texts, without explanation, to prohibit women from pastoring. They might prohibit a whole lot more than that!
The real question is this: Do these two verses, on which so much of our history as the church rests – do these verses contradict what Paul says elsewhere? Or is it more likely that Paul would hold a consistent view and we are misunderstanding one group of texts?
Let’s begin with 1 Corinthians 14. One approach to it is to say Paul couldn’t have written both kinds of texts. Therefore, these “less pro¬gres¬sive” texts were added later. Others say that 1 Corinthians 14 addressed women yelling questions from the church balcony. This was based on the view that ancient synagogues (like Medieval orthodox ones) had women’s balconies. But the archaeological evidence doesn’t support this; besides, by this period the church met in homes. Anther view: Some say Paul was prohibiting women from praying publicly in tongues or prophesying. But earlier in the very same letter he allowed women to pray and prophesy (11:4-5) Some say it means women can’t teach the Bible from the pulpit, but this may be the least defensible position. Teaching is not part of the context, and the Corinthians couldn’t “flip over” to 1 Timothy 2 – which hadn’t been written yet. But let’s look directly at the verses themselves. Paul cannot be mandating every possible kind of silence (e.g., no singing) because he earlier allows women to pray and prophesy – which can’t be done silently. But this is a letter to Corinth: Paul and the Corinthians know what issue he is addressing, but how can we tell?
He gives us a clue: ... They are not allowed to speak... If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Notice the one kind of speech Paul specifically addresses: asking questions. How was this relevant in church? It was customary for people to interrupt public lectures with questions. This was true in Greek and Roman lectures (Plutarch, Aulus Gellius). Jewish rabbis’ lectures were also fair game for interrup¬tions. Presumably likewise in church discussions. (House churches generally couldn’t seat more than 50 people anyway, so the setting would be conducive to such interaction.) But the one kind of question that was considered rude was an unlearned question. It would be like a student asking a question that showed he hadn’t done his homework. This would cause the person utter humiliation and embarrassment. So maybe they were interrupting with unlearned questions.
But why was it the women who were asking unlearned questions? Do women have lower IQ’s than men? Is this a genetic problem? Or were women less educated than men? You can probably guess the answer. Even in upper-class homes, women were rarely educated beyond 14 years of age. There were some very educated women, but they were exceptions. Women could attend synagogue, but not study Torah in depth. The Rabbis refused to train women in Torah. Boys were taught to recite Torah, girls were not. So Paul gives two solutions, one short- and the other long-range.
SHORT-RANGE SOLUTION: Stop asking disruptive questions in church, because you are unlearned.
LONG-RANGE SOLUTION: Get some private tutoring to catch you up, so your questions won’t be unlearned any more. “If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home” (14:35). The vast majority of women over 18 were married, so it’s only natural that Paul would tell the women to get their husbands to give them private tutoring. This may not sound very progressive in our culture, but it certainly was in Paul’s culture. Greek men on average were some 12 years older than their wives and viewed them as children. Plutarch is progressive by ancient standards: “Take an interest in your wife’s learning, even though most men think wives can’t learn.” But then Plutarch ruins it: “For if left to themselves women produce only base passions and folly.” Paul doesn’t ruin it. The problem in Corinth is not that women are teaching. Rather, it’s that they’re learning. Or, more accurately, they’re learning too loudly.
The other possibility is that Paul is dealing with the congregation’s respectability in society. Women normally didn’t speak in public. Paul says it is “shameful” for a woman to speak in public (14:35). The Greek term he uses could be used of culturally shameful behavior. He may be concerned about the witness to unbelieving Corinthians, as he was in 14:23-24 when he gave instructions on speaking in tongues. The applica¬tion today would be different, however. In our society, restrain¬ing women would be a far worse witness than women speaking. So even keeping to Paul’s intention, the application today should not be to silence women.
The other problem text is 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (in context 2:8-15). Did you know this is the only text in the Bible that prohibits women from teaching? This is the only text in the Bible that prohibits women from teaching. It doesn’t just say they can’t pastor. It says they can’t teach the Bible, period. It also says that women shouldn’t “have authority over men.” A literal and grammatically correct reading says women shouldn’t teach Sunday School, seminary or anywhere else; they shouldn’t teach men, but neither should they be allowed to teach other women or children.
So what gives? What is really interesting is that the only passage in the Bible that prohibits women from teaching the Bible happens to be in the only series of letters where we specifically know that false teachers were targeting women with their teachings. Paul warns younger widows not to go from house to house as “gossips and ‘busybodies’” (1 Timothy 5:13). The term translated “busybodies” normally means speakers of nonsense, spreaders of false ideas or false doctrines. Paul speaks of false teachers who “worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires” (2 Timothy 3:6). Do you think it’s just a coincidence that the one place Paul restricts women’s ministry is the one place where false teachers were targeting women? Of course not. So why start with this text and ignore innumerable others where Paul affirms women’s ministry?
If the matter stopped here there would be little debate today. Everyone acknowledges the importance of cultural background in understanding the New Testament. No one wants Paul to contradict what he said earlier. BUT: Paul goes on to cite two biblical reasons why women shouldn’t teach:
(1) For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
(2) And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
Let’s consider these two in turn. First, Paul says that women cannot teach the Bible because Eve, hence all women, are, by the order of their creation, more susceptible to deception. But is this really what Paul means? The issue here is that Paul uses Scriptural teaching about the order of creation and the deception of Eve to make his point. But is he making a universal application to be applied for all time or is he making an essentially ad hoc argument as? So what is an ad hoc argument, you ask. Ad hoc is a Latin phrase which means “for this purpose.” It’s a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, which cannot be adapted to other purposes. In other words, Paul uses universal Scripture principles to make a local point that is not meant to cover all circumstances. He does this in Galatians 3:16. But more to our issue for us, Paul uses the exact same point – that Adam was created before Eve – as one of his arguments in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 for why women should wear head coverings. But no one today believes that godly women must universally, always wear head-coverings, or that a woman who prays without her head covered is dishonoring her husband. So if we take the teaching of 1 Corinthians 11 as cultural, why not take it as cultural here?
If we look back at Genesis itself, creation order simply does not require women not to teach. Man and Woman together are to exercise dominion over creation, as God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). God makes Eve to be “a helper suitable for [Adam]” (2:18). “Helper” is a term of strength – most often used of GOD. “Suitable” means “corresponding to” – not greater, like God, nor lesser, like the animals. Some protest, Adam is supposed to rule over his wife. But that was only after the Fall. Marital power-conflict is part of the judgment (3:16), “...Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” Should we promote the effects of the Fall? If so, then we should get men to sweat at work (turn off all fans, air conditioners), increase pain at childbirth (Ob Gyn’s should stomp on pregnant women’s bellies), and we should get people to sin and die as much as possible because these were also part of the curse. So the fact that Eve was created second doesn’t seem to be a factor in whether or not women should be pastors.
So let’s turn now to Paul’s second argument in 1 Timothy that women are easily deceived: “And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner” (1 Timothy 2:14). Is this a universal principle or another local application?
Universal principle: Eve = All Women. Eve was deceived; Therefore, women are deceived. Therefore, no woman should ever teach. Except for teaching other women (in Titus 2:4), whom they may deceive especially thoroughly, since women are easily deceived.
Or is this a Local Application? In which case, Eve = anyone who is easily deceived. The women in Ephesus are easily deceived. Therefore, these women shouldn’t teach (in this case, this passage wouldn’t contradict all the other passages about women’s ministry, making it easier to recognize the Bible’s trustworthiness).
In deciding the matter, let’s ask some questions: ARE WOMEN more easily deceived than men? If Paul is making a universal argument, it must be objectively true that women are more easily deceived than men. If it is universal rather than local, then it is genetic rather than cultural. It would have to apply to all women or else we could not exclude all women from teaching the Bible. This should be easy enough to test empirically. So what do intelligence tests show? On average women prove better on verbal skills, men on math skills: which are better for preaching? Beyond aver¬ages, both genders do equally well in seminary classes. So no, empirically we know that not all women are more easily deceived than all men.
Finally in this regard, Paul uses this same analogy of Eve being the one deceived in another passage, and it is obviously not intended to apply only to women. In 2 Corinthians 11:3, he says that he doesn’t want the Corin¬thians to be deceived like Eve was by the serpent. Clearly, Paul applies the Genesis account of Eve’s deception not as a universal analogy for women only – but for anyone who can be deceived?
As we’ve seen, Paul does make ad hoc arguments for local situations, so why do we insist that only this one single text in 1 Timothy must be applied universally, and not all the others? Why don’t we press all texts and make them mandatory without taking into account their cultural situation? For example: 1 Corinthians 16:1-3, “Now about the collection for God’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. Then, when I arrive, I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem.” Or what about 2 Timothy 4:13? “When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments.” How many of you have ever tried to obey this direct commandment of Scripture? To obey this you would have to: Go to Troas; Excavate Troas; Find the right first-century cloak (assuming it survived, assuming Timothy didn’t already fetch it, assuming you could tell it was Paul’s). Only one person at most can fulfill this command! Once you’ve got the cloak – how do you get it to Paul? He’s DEAD!
Friends, the Bible clearly shows us that women throughout the ages have prayed, prophesied, served and taught the people of God, faithfully and fruitfully. They have been limited in their ability to do so by society as a result of the fall, but it is not God’s intention to keep half of the human race on the sidelines when it comes to ministry. There is really only one single passage in all the Bible that would seem to prohibit women from serving as pastors and teachers, and as we have shown, it can certainly be understood in a completely different way. Given the overwhelming evidence for women in ministry, it would appear that the only thing that would keep them out today is what kept them out through the centuries: discriminatory social custom. It is apparent that Paul not only allowed women to serve in ministry alongside himself, but he deeply cherished their service as God’s gift.
As I stated at the outset, our only guide in these matters must be Scripture. Well, I believe that the Scriptural evidence is overwhelming: God gifts women just as He does men for service in His name. And who am I to stand against what God has done? “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

Monday, November 23, 2009


This shot is a shot taken by a good friend of mine in Bogota Colombia turns out we both took the same shot but his turned out better. I don't know why, this stop sign happens to be on the corner of the street where a ministry that works with street kids is located and I liked the color contrast the sign offers with the mute tones of the concrete sidewalks and buildings along with the paved streets.
It is amazing to me that in all the countries I have been in the stop signs are the same. The shape and the color have made them universally stand out and understood. So while you may not know Spanish I would bet that before getting this far in this blog you understood what the sign in the pic was saying just by it's color and shape. "PARE" or "STOP"
Now all of us know that the sign doesn't literally mean to stop. If it did then there would be all sorts of accidents because people would be stopping as soon as they saw the sign regardless of where they were on the street. Not only that but I have never seen one who is walking along the side walk stop walking when they came up on the sign. No, most of us know from early on that this is a traffic sign although it doesn't say that anywhere on the sign itself. Likewise, most of us know that it means to stop once we get up too the sign. Literally to stop just before or right at the sign but not after the sign. None of these rules are spelled out on the sign either. Now we know that to place all of those rules on the sign would make the print so small that it wouldn't be legible from a distance, so the law has resorted to an abbreviated version of the law itself. thus rather than saying Stop immediately before or right at this sign, come to a complete stop, look both ways before proceeding, then go on if no oncoming traffic is cumming. Instead the sign reads STOP and the rest is implied or assumed that anyone intelligible enough to read the sign and have a drivers license is smart enough to know the law that is being abbreviated.
The words I have typed out here are not my thoughts, no, but they are a completion of letters that form words that describe my thoughts and you interpret them as such. I would think that this logic is fairly plain and simple and understood. Yet I read a facebook post from a fellow minister today that troubled me some what. The post actually was a quote from Derek Webb that this fellow minister was quoting.
"saying "wtf" is cussing is like saying " :( " is emotion"
The troubling part of this quote for me isn't that Derek Webb said it. I have come to expect quotes like these from Derek Webb and I must say I really like his music but this is a guy that has learned to make a living off of being a rebel with a cause. Derek has used shock value in many of his albums to stir things up and quite frankly it helps sales. For his latest album he even played of of his edgy rep to bolster hype about his new album before it came out by telling his fans that there was trouble with the label and that they needed to stay tuned for updates because he was going to get his music out no matter what. In fact it turns out that it was a marketing tool and now after the album went on sale you can buy the labels version or go to his website and download the explicit version of his latest album. Like I said earlier I'm not troubled by Derek this is the persona he portrays and it works for him. What does trouble me is the fellow youth pastors I know that take there cue from such a guy and think that being edgy makes them Cool or more in touch and there by more effective. When the reality is that it does just the opposite.
I beg to differ with Derek on this one and with all my youth pastor friends that think that being "edgy" is what we are called to as ministers. We live in a social networking world today and the "shorthand" or abbreviated texting type of literary methods are becoming a legitimate form of communication even if my mother would disagree with it. In fact just last week Oxford dictionary named its new word of the year "unfriend" as in to delete someone from your list of friends. In 2007 the runner up for word of the year by Merriam Websters Dictionary was the verb "facebook". Yes Derek is right saying "wtf" is cussing is like saying " :( " is emotion. "WTF" might not be the actual words and thus might not technically be cussing but the implication is there just as a stop sign only says stop. The entire law need not be spelled out for its implication to be made. And when we as youth pastors try and justify our unwillingness to live lives that are constantly being sanctified and thus challenging this generation to be submitting their lives to God and His standard of living as well we are doing them a tremendous disservice.
And we wonder why our teens struggle so much... well we were not having sex, I mean oral sex isn't really sex.... well It's not like I am addicted so as long as I am not addicted its OK.
I'm sorry guys but I have to call it like I see it on this one. God doesn't expect perfection from us but he does expect us to submit to Him and allow Him to change us from who we were when we were in the world to who He wants us to be in Him (Phil. 2:13, John 14:15, Rom 12:1, I Pt. 1:15) This generation doesn't need us to be edgy, relevant, be a rebel, trendy... They need Christ! If you want to be a man of God and lead His people then man up and leave the world and its struggles behind and quit trying to justify our sins as though acknowledging them gave us licence to live in them further. Or in this case if you struggle with your language just admit that you struggle with it don't try and justify it.
For more on Derek Webb's latest album check here:

This video is one that is made from footage that was shot by myself and Joseph McWilliams. It was then edited and produced by Joseph for the ministry we partner with in Colombia. This ministry works with the street kids of Colombia and is one of the best ministries I have encountered that works with homeless or street children. Joseph and I filmed and took shots on our last trip there. While I know this blog is supposed to be a collection of my work and perspectives drawn from my experiences, I believe that there is much to be gleaned by working collaboratively with others. Joseph was a student of mine when he was in Junior high then later became a youth of mine when he was in High school and now is a friend of mine and he is attending Texas Tech. Yet when it comes to film and photography, Joseph has been a huge source of knowledge and teacher for me.
In I Corinthians 12-14 Paul talks about the body of Christ and how we are gifted by the Holy Spirit to function as a body. All of us together, each using his gift to edify the whole. While there have been many opportunities for me to invest in Joseph's life he has invested in min e as well. That is what makes the body of Christ so beautiful and it is when we all work as a body that we put our best foot forward and Christ is glorified the most. So it is with art like film when it is a collaborative effort we can produce a better quality piece. to camera angles are better than one many times a secondary camera will catch b role footage or a perspective that one didn't see. So it is with this piece and the editing and graphics created by Joseph make this piece great!
By the way if anyone is looking for a gift that keeps on giving to give someone for Christmas this year, you might consider buying a Bigfoot in their honor.

Friday, November 13, 2009


A mushroom is a fungus. Plain and simple it is what it is and the reality of what it is can never really change. Some mushrooms are pretty some just ugly. Some you can eat, while some are poisonous and would make you very ill. None the less, a mushroom serves a purpose. Whether it is to be eaten or to do what mushrooms were created for by God, they serve their purpose.
In the same vain our president is just that. He is our president. It doesn’t matter if I voted for him or not. That being said I am smart enough to know that the office of president is larger than one man. He is merely the front man for the executive branch of the government and he selects an entire cabinet of people to act as council for him. This is his job! Not to be the messiah or the sole decision maker. He is supposed to be one who meets with those he has surrounded himself with to bring him sound council.
Now council is only as good as the measure in which it is regarded. Otherwise it becomes a useless waste of time or your condemnation, because to ignore sound council makes that the premise on what you will be judged by.
This week, our president met with his war panel on what it would take to wrap things up and get the job done in Afghanistan. After meeting with them he told them to go back and change their minds and come up with an alternative. Ok so let’s tell those who know about war and the ins and outs of their job that their council is ignorant and they need to tell you what you want to hear? He should either fire them all and replace them or listen to them. War is happening in Afghanistan Americans are dying and because he is more afraid of perceptions here and how his polls would be affected he is petrified and indecisive ignoring those who know what needs to be done and refusing to make any decision and by doing so he has made the wrong one. Either bring all our troops home or send them what they need to succeed.
Right now he is more worried about being a pretty mushroom than being a useful one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


One of the joys in travelling around the world has been the never ending adrenaline rush that comes from riding in a vehicle in a foreign country. Needless to say, I believe the US is the only country in the world that I have been in where people are defensive drivers rather than offensive drivers. In some countries the efforts to better the “drivers” mentality have been quite interesting. In China for example, the stop lights have counters below them to let people know how much longer the light will be red in order to keep people from growing impatient and keep them from running a red light. In Cambodia a light is merely a suggestion. This shot I took in Colombia tops them all for me. I can deal with complete law and respect on the road like we have for the most part here in the US, I also felt no discomfort in Cambodia where drivers did whatever they pleased. But to have a red and yellow light on at the same time well needless to say it is a bit confusing.
In many ways Christianity has become just that for this generation that is very much a relativistic generation. “What is right for you isn’t necessarily right for me” or at least that is the general mindset. The problem with this is that as Christians we believe in a Theocracy, meaning we believe in One God. Who in His nature is perfect, omnipotent, and never wrong. He gave us an absolute truth in His word and it is not up to us in how we live that word out. We can’t choose what parts we like and what parts we will throw out. Relativism doesn’t work with Christianity and when we try to make them copacetic we make a mess of things, kind of like giving a driver a red and yellow light at the same time. STOP! Well not really! Be careful! Go if you want just be cautious!
What kind of message is that? Aren’t we then communicating that they are god?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Relevant Yet Doctrinally Sound

Relevant Yet Doctrinally Sound from Jeff Dietz on Vimeo.

While I know that this blog is titled “Jeff’s view through a lens” I have been playing a lot with after effects lately. The reality is that in today’s day in age the virtual camera can and often is used just as much as a real camera. In fact one can’t watch TV today without seeing virtual 3d work in every commercial break or in ever station affiliation tag. The above video is an example of a project I did in after effects that is close to one used by ABC or TNT for their logos revealed often in commercial breaks or as they leave commercial breaks and head back into their shows.
While nothing in the video was captured by camera and it is all generated in after effects, it still can be used to communicate in just as lively a way as video or photography. My personal opinion is that many of us video or photography aficionados would use more computer generated tools if we weren’t so lazy in not wanting to take the time to learn new techniques. Sure there are those who would say use lose some of the art form but I say you are just tapping into a new one.
The same could be said about the church today!
In today’s day and age as a minister it is ever increasingly difficult to remain relevant with today’s culture, and yet at the same time not change the truths of God in such an attempt. Just today I listened as my pastor preached on the subject of eternal judgment. He began his sermon by proposing that most of the people in the congregation had never heard a true sermon on Gods judgment. In today’s Americanized Christian Culture I didn’t have much of a problem believing that his statements were probably true.
The reality is that in our ever changing world and with technology changing ever so rapidly, it is hard to find ways to communicate the Biblical truths without compromising their integrity or changing them in the process. Or is it?
Paul writes in I Corinthians 10 and on about such a dilemma that the church was facing regarding what was acceptable to eat and do in worship. In it he points at a couple of key things we need to evaluate in our communication of the truth. The first is that we need to understand what the fundamental truth is to begin with. This sounds relatively easy but it sometimes is not. We must learn to separate truths that have their root in cultural practice or traditions of the church from the basic doctrines God intended for us to bear. Secondly we must constantly be relaying on our knowledge and study of the word and our relationship with Christ to allow His Holy Spirit to guide our decisions. Ultimately we must make sure that God is receiving the Glory He deserves.
As Christians we don’t need to be afraid of using new techniques to communicate the gospel, we also shouldn’t allow our laziness or fear of the time it would take to invest in learning new ways to communicate the everlasting non changing truths of scripture to keep us from doing so. I’m not saying we should throw out all our traditions either. But to use them as an excuse to not be learning new ways to communicate the truth is a disservice to God. We should be using every avenue available to us to reveal Gods truth and give Him the Glory He deserves.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Patience in waiting and learning

Patience in waiting and learning from Jeff Dietz on Vimeo.

If you look for these photos in the video embedded above you will see one of the latest editing techniques I have been working on. I must admit it has been a real challenge trying to figure out how to do this when I am not the sort to go read a manual rather I have to learn the hard way. None the less it has been fun and a technique that I will only improve on. IT is amazing how in life we often give up so quick on things or on God, refusing to let Him work things in at His timing. However when one is patient enough to let Him do His thing the out come is well worth it! Phillipians 2:13 states that it is God who works in us to will and act according to His great purpose. In learning a new technique or learning to use a new software in this case, there are many frustrations and failed attempts yet God never tires or grows weary, He never gives up on us, He is always willing to give it another go! Much like the people in the video and in these photos, they have been through a genocide second only to the Nazi holocoust, yet they are rebirthing as a nation and as a culture. I pray that they can be reborn as a people of the one true God as well.