Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Patience in waiting and learning

Patience in waiting and learning from Jeff Dietz on Vimeo.

If you look for these photos in the video embedded above you will see one of the latest editing techniques I have been working on. I must admit it has been a real challenge trying to figure out how to do this when I am not the sort to go read a manual rather I have to learn the hard way. None the less it has been fun and a technique that I will only improve on. IT is amazing how in life we often give up so quick on things or on God, refusing to let Him work things in at His timing. However when one is patient enough to let Him do His thing the out come is well worth it! Phillipians 2:13 states that it is God who works in us to will and act according to His great purpose. In learning a new technique or learning to use a new software in this case, there are many frustrations and failed attempts yet God never tires or grows weary, He never gives up on us, He is always willing to give it another go! Much like the people in the video and in these photos, they have been through a genocide second only to the Nazi holocoust, yet they are rebirthing as a nation and as a culture. I pray that they can be reborn as a people of the one true God as well.