A mushroom is a fungus. Plain and simple it is what it is and the reality of what it is can never really change. Some mushrooms are pretty some just ugly. Some you can eat, while some are poisonous and would make you very ill. None the less, a mushroom serves a purpose. Whether it is to be eaten or to do what mushrooms were created for by God, they serve their purpose.
In the same vain our president is just that. He is our president. It doesn’t matter if I voted for him or not. That being said I am smart enough to know that the office of president is larger than one man. He is merely the front man for the executive branch of the government and he selects an entire cabinet of people to act as council for him. This is his job! Not to be the messiah or the sole decision maker. He is supposed to be one who meets with those he has surrounded himself with to bring him sound council.
Now council is only as good as the measure in which it is regarded. Otherwise it becomes a useless waste of time or your condemnation, because to ignore sound council makes that the premise on what you will be judged by.
This week, our president met with his war panel on what it would take to wrap things up and get the job done in Afghanistan. After meeting with them he told them to go back and change their minds and come up with an alternative. Ok so let’s tell those who know about war and the ins and outs of their job that their council is ignorant and they need to tell you what you want to hear? He should either fire them all and replace them or listen to them. War is happening in Afghanistan Americans are dying and because he is more afraid of perceptions here and how his polls would be affected he is petrified and indecisive ignoring those who know what needs to be done and refusing to make any decision and by doing so he has made the wrong one. Either bring all our troops home or send them what they need to succeed.
Right now he is more worried about being a pretty mushroom than being a useful one.
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