Monday, November 23, 2009

This video is one that is made from footage that was shot by myself and Joseph McWilliams. It was then edited and produced by Joseph for the ministry we partner with in Colombia. This ministry works with the street kids of Colombia and is one of the best ministries I have encountered that works with homeless or street children. Joseph and I filmed and took shots on our last trip there. While I know this blog is supposed to be a collection of my work and perspectives drawn from my experiences, I believe that there is much to be gleaned by working collaboratively with others. Joseph was a student of mine when he was in Junior high then later became a youth of mine when he was in High school and now is a friend of mine and he is attending Texas Tech. Yet when it comes to film and photography, Joseph has been a huge source of knowledge and teacher for me.
In I Corinthians 12-14 Paul talks about the body of Christ and how we are gifted by the Holy Spirit to function as a body. All of us together, each using his gift to edify the whole. While there have been many opportunities for me to invest in Joseph's life he has invested in min e as well. That is what makes the body of Christ so beautiful and it is when we all work as a body that we put our best foot forward and Christ is glorified the most. So it is with art like film when it is a collaborative effort we can produce a better quality piece. to camera angles are better than one many times a secondary camera will catch b role footage or a perspective that one didn't see. So it is with this piece and the editing and graphics created by Joseph make this piece great!
By the way if anyone is looking for a gift that keeps on giving to give someone for Christmas this year, you might consider buying a Bigfoot in their honor.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree Jeff! I love collaboration and I think we really had a chance to exploit our talents together on this trip. Thank you so much for the great footage! I think it added an enormous amount of credibility to the video.

    I hope we can work together again. I really enjoyed having somebody there that could see things through a lens (no blog title pun intended).
