One of the joys in travelling around the world has been the never ending adrenaline rush that comes from riding in a vehicle in a foreign country. Needless to say, I believe the US is the only country in the world that I have been in where people are defensive drivers rather than offensive drivers. In some countries the efforts to better the “drivers” mentality have been quite interesting. In China for example, the stop lights have counters below them to let people know how much longer the light will be red in order to keep people from growing impatient and keep them from running a red light. In Cambodia a light is merely a suggestion. This shot I took in Colombia tops them all for me. I can deal with complete law and respect on the road like we have for the most part here in the US, I also felt no discomfort in Cambodia where drivers did whatever they pleased. But to have a red and yellow light on at the same time well needless to say it is a bit confusing.
In many ways Christianity has become just that for this generation that is very much a relativistic generation. “What is right for you isn’t necessarily right for me” or at least that is the general mindset. The problem with this is that as Christians we believe in a Theocracy, meaning we believe in One God. Who in His nature is perfect, omnipotent, and never wrong. He gave us an absolute truth in His word and it is not up to us in how we live that word out. We can’t choose what parts we like and what parts we will throw out. Relativism doesn’t work with Christianity and when we try to make them copacetic we make a mess of things, kind of like giving a driver a red and yellow light at the same time. STOP! Well not really! Be careful! Go if you want just be cautious!
What kind of message is that? Aren’t we then communicating that they are god?
I love it!