Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If your Gospel isn't touching others, it hasn't touched you! --Curry R. Blake

There are those moments in life when one has a decision to make and he knows that the choice he makes can and will affect not only his life but the life of others as well. I find my self at one of those cross roads today! I am a christian. I would like to think that I am not just one of thousands that claim the name of Christ yet bear no real resemblance to the one who's name I claim to bear. Nonetheless there are certain times when God leads His followers places they are not sure they want to go.

Four years ago I had the privilege of going to Cambodia t see how we as a church could get involved in taking the gospel to a nation that is 98% unreached. Meaning they have never heard nor do they have access to the gospel. While there Chiv, my Cambodian brother in Christ was reunited with his family he hadn't seen in over thirty years since he escaped Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime.

He shared the Gospel with his family and they not only believed and surrendered to Christ but asked us to come share with their village. Since that time several hundred have come to Christ and three or four villages have come to the faith.

In the morning Mark and I will travel to Cambodia yet again to film all that God has done, to teach and disciple those who have come to the faith and train them to do likewise, and to go to some villages that have never heard the gospel and share with them the amazing message of Christ.

On the one hand I am excited who wouldn't be? On the other hand I am leaving my Wife and best friend and my three beautiful little boys! They are old enough to understand that daddy is gone. The older they get the heavier it weighs on my heart to leave them. To go around the world and into the jungles of Cambodia that is currently experiencing the worst floods in ten years. What if something were to happen to me? Who would take care of them? these thoughts can become haunting if I were to let them.

David Platt once said:
"We have the resources to get the gospel to difficult/dangerous to reach peoples. The question is, Do we have the resolve?"

The truth is God not only will but already does take care of my boys and Kim! Who am i to think that He needs me to get that job done. I want to raise my boys with the knowledge that taking the gospel to the lost is worth the risk! It comes at a sacrifice not only to me but to them as well. But that is a good thing! There are things that are more important in life and sharing Christ is one of those.

I John 3:16

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ lay down His Life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

So off I go! Please pray for the flooding to stop for safe travel for the gospel to be preached and received! Lives changed! Pray for protection and for the nation of Cambodia that in out life time they will become 98% Christians!

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